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Call for participants: Roundtable Discussion

at the 2024 ATGENDER Conference

Transnational Solidarities with Palestine: From University Encampments to Digital Activisms

Are you a scholar of Palestinian solidarity encampments, or of campaigns for divestment at
universities? Perhaps you research forms of transnational solidarity and digital activisms with/in
the pro-Palestinian movement at universities?

We invite you to participate in a special roundtable discussion at the 2024 ATGENDER Conference.
This session will bring together scholars with experience from Palestinian solidarity encampments
and those working on pro-Palestinian divestment within universities. Participants are invited to
share knowledge and experiences of diverse solidarity expressions in online and offline
environments, as well as of limits and threats to transnational solidarities.

We especially welcome Palestinian and scholars at risk as speakers. To assist with the bureaucratic
obstacles that Palestinian scholars and scholars at risk may face in attending this session (and the
conference more broadly), ATGENDER is pleased to offer five scholarships each to support travel,
accommodation, and visa expenses for speakers at this event. Additionally, the scholarships include
a conference registration fee waiver and a yearly ATGENDER membership.

This is an exceptional opportunity for master's students, doctoral candidates, and emerging
researchers who have developed related to transnational protest or solidarity movements and
digital cultures in entangled online-offline spaces. This session will be held confidentially and
attendees’ anonymity protected, if requested by speakers.

This addition to our conference follows our commitment to support Palestinian students and
researchers in the face of the ongoing genocide, epistemicide, and scholasticide against the
Palestinian people and culture. We have recently released a statement describing our values and
policies regarding Israel's war on Gaza, developed in line with our statutory mission and vision.


For this event, we are looking for individuals who fall into one or more of the below categories:

  • Palestinian or identify as a scholar at risk.

  • Are exploring student/staff Palestinian solidarity movements, in BDS campaigns on

  • campuses or in other forms of solidarity expression in entangled online-offline spaces.

  • Have a proven track record of developing or participating in projects related to digital

  • society topics (for example but not limited to: digital activisms, politics and dynamics on

  • social media).


How to Apply
To participate (as a speaker) in the roundtable and apply for the ATGENDER scholarship, you should submit a Statement of interest (max 500 words) briefly detailing 1) your academic background and stage of career/study and 2) your research interests. You should also explain 3) your interest in the roundtable discussion and workshop and 4) outline how your experience or work aligns with the workshop themes of transnational solidarities, Palestinian solidarity campaigns and encampments at universities, digital society and/or gender studies. Your statement should indicate if you are applying for one of the five scholarships, and if so, please briefly describe what you need funds to cover (e.g. travel, accommodation, visa expenses etc).


Deadline: Please email your application to by 17:00 CET Friday 12 July 2024.

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